
The thrills of a lifestyle...

You know, I used to get some sort of thrill when telling others of how I spent my time when I still attended college. Just saying that you're attending a small, private, liberal arts college in New England feels good. Saying that you're studying Geography--even when people have no idea what that entails--makes you feel interesting, like you know an entire wealth of really important and pertinent things about the world that no one else knows. Geographers: gate-keepers of information more people should know!

You know what's not thrilling? Telling others that you are unemployed and live with your parents and your insane cat. Even when one throws in extra information, like you used to study Geography at a small liberal arts college in New England, it doesn't help your case. At this point, you just seem pathetic for not fulfilling all the potential of your sincerely awesome education (and seriously, it was awesome--I got to ride mechanical bulls in the cafeteria, eat lots of cereal, and go on field trips to NYC).

Although blogging this felt awesome, I should probably go finish my cover letter for the energetic sign waving position listed on craigslist...

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